Down With My Demons: The Shadow Work Path

Fear of Success and Playing Small

Chloe Lionheart Season 1 Episode 13

Fear of success is often disguised as procrastination, excuses, "rational" thinking, and dragging our feet. It's so much easier to talk ourselves out of living a life we love and going after our dreams than it is to take the necessary steps to making it happen. Even if we KNOW it will completely revolutionize and change our lives. Fear of jealous people and judgement, fear of economic insecurity, fear of looking like a fool and being humiliated, fear of total failure, all of these are things we put our energy into to keep ourselves small. In this episode, I break down all of the variables of many of the fears of success and speak to the realities of those fears. Later on, we go over journal prompts to help ourselves begin to move in the direction of courage and compassionate understanding. Please like, subscribe, share and leave a review! I hope you all enjoy the episode and see you next time!


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"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than risk it took to bloom."
Anais Nin

Journal Prompts:
1. What am I truly afraid of?
2. What would I do if I knew I was supported?
3. What will success bring into my life?
4. What small step/s can I take today toward my goals?
5. Where can I be courageous today? Even if only for a moment.
6. When have I failed and what did I learn?
7. Am I wiser now than I was then?
8. Who can I ask for support from in this process?

“Most of us are forgetting that from the beginning of our life, we are approaching death. Life is absurd but you can fill it with ideas and enthusiasm. You can fill your life with joy.” -Reinhold Messner

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