Down With My Demons: The Shadow Work Path

The Shadow of Self-Care: New Age Narcissism and Leaning In To Connect

Chloe Lionheart Season 1 Episode 18

This week's material was surprisingly edgy as I expose an element of shadow being cast by the self-care industry. This episode I discuss the ego-feeding problems with publicizing self-care and it's use in avoiding other's needs or any of our fears and discomforts. I talk about how I've been avoiding uncomfortable situations and conversations and how I came to realize how much that was hurting my ability to cope. Finally, we dive into the joys of facing our fears and utilizing staying with our discomfort as a radical act of self-care which inevitably leads to connection and intimacy. Please subscribe, share, and leave a review if you like the episode! I hope this content leads to greater feelings of belonging and connection in all of your lives. Thank you for being here, enjoy, and see you next time!


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“People can only meet you as far as they’ve met themselves.” 

“Ego is able to convert anything to its own use, even spirituality.”—Chögyam Trungpa


"The Science of Spiritual Narcissism"

6 Steps to Self-Love

“Shambhala: The Path of the Warrior” by Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche

“The Places that Scare You” by Pema Chodron

Brene Brown:

"The Power of Vulnerability" -Book and Audible Talk Series

"The Power of Vulnerability" TedTalk

"Daring Greatly" -Book

"Atlas of the Heart" -Netflix Series

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